Intrigue – I wrote a poetry book

Hello visitors! 

I’m not sure how you got here, but welcome. I’m very excited to present my first ever (published) poetry book. “Intrigue” came from a really special place and I’m happy it’s made it to a physical form to share with you.

Isn’t she a beauty. It’s a short book, only 40 poems. There was a lot more I wanted to put in there, but for some reason, something concise felt like the right thing to do this time. 

There’s a little bit of a secret behind the creation of this book. Some of you already know what it is. If you think you’ve figured it out, send me a message by email or through my social media. I’ll let you know if you got it right 😉 

The poems are short form. If any of them speak to you, take a picture and tag me @maikaisogawa wherever you post it. I want to see which ones resonate. 

Oh and I almost forgot the most important part. The beautiful artwork within the book (and the cover art) is by the mega-talented Miaja Lemieux (@miajalemieux on Instagram). She’s gorgeous and brilliant and her family is da best. I hope I’ll be able to work with her again.

If you’re interested in purchasing the book, you can so directly via Amazon. HOWEVER if you want a personally hand-signed copy, and none of the guilt of ordering through the big man, send me your full name, shipping address, and Venmo (or whatever payment you use – we can talk about this) through my contact form or to any of my social media. You’ll have to pay shipping costs but I’ll write you a letter! 


Stay intrigued, 


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