Ultimate Frisbee Probability

Is a frisbee flip fair? Spoiler: it’s definitely not. To see why, watch this short video, and read the explanation below.   Introduction In the exceptionally athletic sport of ultimate frisbee, the starting positions of the teams are often decided by a simple probability game. In this game, the captains of each team both toss… Continue reading Ultimate Frisbee Probability

5 Coding Lessons I Learned This Summer

  I’m working as a research intern for 10 weeks in the Gates building at Stanford University.   (There’s quite a bit of technical jargon in here. I’ve tried to link to explanatory websites and posts.)   It’s nothing like the fantasy of stuffy basements, spending hours standing over glass cases in clear white lab… Continue reading 5 Coding Lessons I Learned This Summer

Bare-metal Programming from the Ground Up

I’ve never come across a class with such polar opposite reviews. When I mentioned taking CS107 at Stanford, the reactions were nearly all the same. “Oh, good luck,” “Get ready to not have any time this quarter,” “That class is a doozy.” People hated it, and people loved it. It’s a class that anyone involved… Continue reading Bare-metal Programming from the Ground Up

Current Topics In Physics [July 2017]

What’s going on in the research field with physics recently? With school slowly approaching, I thought it would be a good time to re-acclimate myself with scientific papers, analysis, and general science topics of today. I prefer physics over biology and chemistry (as if they’re separate fields, but still), so I’ve dug a bit into… Continue reading Current Topics In Physics [July 2017]