EthCC 2023: Securing Your Self(custody)

This year I had the pleasure of presenting at EthCC, the premier European Web3 conference. I interviewed over 20 crypto natives about their self-custody system, and presented the findings. I also touched on a few exciting EIPs that will impact the self-custody space. Check out the full talk below:

Categorized as Crypto

InPeak: Degen Happy Hour -The Real Vision Collective

Spent this happy hour with the degens chatting all things crypto 🎉 What a blast.

Categorized as Crypto

InPeak: Avoiding All Wallet Drama: Take Back Control with Multisig

What is a multisig? When should you use one? What are some considerations? All this and more in our InPeak x Webacy safety session. Watch Below!

Categorized as Crypto